Volunteer Opportunities
Monthly Volunteer Events

Friends of Marquam Nature Park
​Friends of Marquam Nature Park (FMNP) have been active volunteers and advocates for the health of the park and our natural areas for more than 40 years. They are very active in the park hosting restoration work parties, guided hikes, workshops and other events.
Wednesday & Saturday Work Parties
When: From 9 am until noon, the second Wednesday and last Saturday of each month.
Check out the Friends of Marquam Nature Park website to get more information, get updates, or check for weather cancellations. Call 971-599-FMNP with questions.
For more information about events and how to support restoration efforts, click here.

Friends of Terwilliger
Friends of Terwilliger hosts monthly work parties to help rid the parkway of unwanted and invasive plants.
Saturday Work Parties
When: From 9 am until noon, the third Saturday of each month.
Tools, snacks, and instruction are provided to get the job done. You provide the muscles and desire to help one of Portland’s favorite parks! Dress for the weather and wear sturdy shoes or boots.
Check out the Friends of Terwilliger website for more information.
For questions, contact Contact Robin Vesey at 503-293-1069 or email us at info@terwilligerFriends.org.