Partnership Reports
WWRP 2023-2024 Annual Report
WWRP Summary Report: 2015-2020 A Review and Synthesis to Partnership Next Steps
This five year summary report serves as the basis to evaluate existing information, to guide the group’s next steps and provide an overview for those interested in the WWRP’s efforts. This report is outlined with the current strategic plan goals in mind as these goals: restoration, partner engagement and communications and outreach, are the cornerstone of WWRP work. Furthermore, this report presents background information that has contributed to the current operations of the partnership as well as details the structure of the WWRP and how partners have leveraged support to complete projects across agencies. The cross project synthesis presents a side by side comparison of project spendings and outcomes. This analysis has allowed WWRP members to prioritize objectives and next steps moving forward.
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In 2023 and 2024, the West Willamette Restoration Partnership (WWRP) continued its vital work supporting the natural landscapes and parks that sustain the Southwest Portland community. This annual report highlights partner accomplishments and goals achieved throughout the year.