Resident Opportunities
Are you a local resident looking for ways to get involved? Check out the opportunities below:
Native Plant Swap
The Native Plant Swap allows Portland-area folks to access free native plants from the gardens and yards of other community members and is a program of the Westside Watershed Resource Center.
Share your native plants and view available native plants from other resident by clicking here.
Connect SW PDX Listening Project
The Listening Project identifies key environmental health issues of concern in the West Portland Park neighborhood and connects residents with resources to address those concerns through a sponsored community forum, community liaison training and door-to-door canvasing.
Want to Get Involved? Become a Community Liaison
Connect SW PDX liaisons have an opportunity to participate in a community conversation with their neighbors and organizations that seek to better serve their neighborhood through a sponsored community forum, training and doorto-door canvasing. Liaisons provide an important community service that helps connect neighbors with resources and organizations of interest and identifies unmet needs and barriers to current program offerings that partner organizations can then respond to.
Learn more about the project | Apply today to become a Community Liaison
Backyard Habitat Certification Program
Columbia Land Trust and Portland Audubon have teamed up to create a unique program that supports urban gardeners in their efforts to create natural backyard habitats. It’s through our collective efforts to revitalize urban landscapes that positive change is made. The community of Backyard Habitats is over 5,500 strong, and growing every day.
Enroll to have a technician come out and assess your property, help you plan, and provide discounts for plants and materials.
West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District
If you live in SW Portland, West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District has an abundance of resources available to you. Attend one of their workshops or utilize the information available on their website about habitat restoration projects, native and invasive plants, wildlife, planting for pollinators, water quality monitoring, and much more!
Watershed Resource Center
Want to enhance wildlife habitat in your backyard? Organize a group of neighbors to clean up the creek around the corner? Watershed Resource Center has many resources to offer interested residents, including education programs and workshops (free or low-cost), help with erosion control and stormwater management, plant information, and much more!
Feel free to call the Watershed Resource Center at 503-823-2862 to seek guidance over the phone, send an email (watershed@swni.org), or stop by the office in Room 5 of the Multnomah Arts Center.
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Follow us for stories, project updates, and other useful information!
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Don't forget to check out our volunteer and educational opportunities!