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The Partnership 

The West Willamette Restoration Partnership (WWRP) is a coalition of engaged volunteers, community groups, landowners and organizations working to conserve and enhance the forests and natural areas of SW Portland. Our Partnership supports habitat enhancement and stewardship efforts in southwest Portland’s Willamette River subwatersheds to provide a key link in the wildlife corridor connecting Forest Park and Tryon Creek State Natural Area. 


Partnership meetings have been essential to the success of WWRP. These meetings have been an important channel for sharing information across organizations and throughout the corridor. Additionally, they allow open communication between WWRP partners so as to maintain relationships, support collaboration, and identify priorities for the corridor.

Any organization or individual can join the partner network with a commitment and investment to the mission and values of the WWRP. 

Our Network

Our network of Partners form one united group. We initiate projects as a Partnership and get behind each others' projects to lend support. Within the Partnership, there are different levels of involvement, with all levels being essential for the Partnership to function efficiently and effectively. See our network of Partners below. 

Core Partners
The Core WWRP Partners regularly attend Quarterly Partnership meetings and provide funding and administration of the Partnership to maintain organizational capacity and enable coordination of on-the-ground restoration work, outreach efforts, data/research management, and fundraising in the corridor across public and private land.

City of Portland 

Bureau of Environmental Services

City of Portland

Portland Parks & Recreation

Forest Park Conservancy

Tryon Creek Watershed Council

Tryon Creek WC Logo - transparent.png

Westside Watershed Resource Center

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West Multnomah

Soil & Water

Conservation District

Oregon Wildlife Foundation


Columbia Land Trust

Friends of Terwilliger

Oregon Health & Science University

Friends of River View Natural Area

Educational Partners
WWRP’s educational Partners include Portland State University, Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland Community College, and Lewis & Clark. These educational partners manage on-going research projects in the corridor, provide mentorship to students working on WWRP projects, and provide regular classroom opportunities to learn in the corridor.

Portland State University

Pacific Northwest College of Art

Portland Community College

Lewis & Clark College

Regional Partners
Regional Partners include peer networks and neighbors to the WWRP corridor. These partners support WWRP by providing guidance in restoration strategies or outreach opportunities. 

Backyard Habitat Certification Program


SW Trails


Community Engagement Liaisons


Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership

Friends of Tryon Creek

The Intertwine

Wisdom of the Elders Workforce Development Crew


Friends of Gabriel Park

Project teams consists of collaborative teams of individuals and organizations that manage projects in the WWRP corridor. Participants vary by the needs and priorities of the projects. 

Do you think your organization might be a good fit for the partnership?

Download this short application describing how your organization would like to be involved with WWRP work. Completed applications can be sent to

Have questions for the partnership? Fill out the form and we will get back to you shortly!

The Partners -in depth

Quarterly Partnership meetings

Q Meeting
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