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WWRP Projects

WWRP projects mostly focus on the restoration and enhancement of natural areas in Southwest Portland, Oregon. Partners leverage their collective resources to support each other in our restoration efforts. We also apply for grants as a Partnership to get work done.

2019-2021: Westside Wildlife Corridor for People and Habitat



With $63,000 from a 2019 Metro Nature in Neighborhoods Grant, we have built on lessons learned from previous outreach and restoration projects, as well as new and existing relationships with community partners, to further restoration, planning for access, and community outreach in the Corridor.


Project partners include Wisdom of the Elders' Wisdom Workforce Development program (WWD), Portland Parks & Recreation Youth Conservation Crew (YCC), and Central City Concern's Community Volunteer Corps (CVC), and Community Engagement Liaisions program.


As part of this project, vegetation monitoring was performed at multiple sites from 2019-2021. This data was added to the additional monitoring efforts performed from 2016-2018 and revealed interesting trends. Check out the report here



No Ivy League



Since 1994, The No Ivy League has worked tirelessly to empower youth, educate the public, and remove English ivy from Portland's Parks. No Ivy League's mission is to restore the native habitat of Forest Park and other natural areas with efforts in removing invasive plants, youth development programs, environmental education, and community participation - promoting research, providing technical assistance, and seeking relevant societal changes.​​ The No Ivy League has annual work parties WWRP focus areas. This is an important way that one of the most aggressive invasive plants gets removed. 


Click here for more info.    

Past Project Examples

2017: Listening Project & Pledge
What was this Project?

Friends of Terwilliger and Marquam Nature Park gathered the thoughts of their neighbors on:

  • The health of Terwilliger Parkway and Marquam Nature Park  

  • Interactions between the parks and neighboring property

  • How neighbors enjoy the parks


Neighbors were also invited to take action by:

  • Sharing their opinions

  • Committing to pledge actions (ranging in levels of commitment) that fit with their natural habitat objectives and ability to participate

  • Following up on assistance available to private landowners

What were the Outcomes?
  • Over 400 households were reached through door-to-door efforts

  • 124 (~30%) of those households pledged participation

  • The first 100 households to pledge participation had native plants delivered to their home

  • The pledges continue to receive email newsletters and restoration party updates from Friends of Terwilliger & Friends of Marquam Nature Park

  • Both organizations involved felt that the project brought increased connections to park neighbors and  increased awareness of natural area protection importance, resources, and information sources.

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